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Industrial warehouses in Pol. Ind. "El Mugrón"


The "El Mugrón" Industrial Estate is located in the municipality of Almansa, in the most important industrial, commercial and service area in the surrounding area. Due to its strategic location, it offers you an excellent opportunity to set up your business.

Its good and fast communication by motorway with the cities of Albacete, Alicante and Valencia allows the possibility of acting easily in a wide range of businesses originated by industry and commerce. The area is linked to the towns of Elda, Villena and Yecla, due to its industrial, commercial and service fabric.

The warehouses consist of 300 m² of ground floor and 345 m² of yard, providing a great facility for logistics and open storage, covering the needs of your industry or business.

Other features:

- Structurally independent vessels.

- Suitable for any industrial or commercial activity.

- Construction with top quality materials.

- Production and assembly with the latest technologies.

- Maximum cleanliness and quality in execution.

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